Alerts Guide
You can quickly set up alerts in your ClearPathGPS account to get notified about what's going on with the vehicles in your fleet.
Safety Events |
Fleet Activity |
Fleet Maintenance |
Custom Configurations |
- The Alerts admin page is where you can create new alerts and see already created alerts.
- You can select an alert for editing by clicking on its name
- The Active column gives the ability to quickly toggle alerts on or off
- The three dots in the Actions column gives you the option to edit or delete
- Results can be filtered when the triangle button on the top right is selected (blue)
- To create an alert, click the Create Alert button in the top right hand corner.
- Next select the Alert Type that you want to create.
- Give the alert a Name.
- Now select whether you want it to apply to one specific Vehicle or to a group of Vehicles.
- The Options check box will ask how long to the 'disable' the alert for before it can fire agian. These have default values depending on the alert type but you can also adjust it based on your own preferences.
- In the Notify step you can add the recipients of the alert. Both email addresses and phone numbers (for SMS/Text message alerting) can be added or a combination of the two.
- The Finalze section will give a summary of the alert you have created. Hit save if everything looks correct and the alert is setup!
- To edit an existing alert either click on the Alert Name or the
in the Actions column and select Edit Alert.
- This will allow you to make adjustments to the alerts configuration and its recipients.
- You cannot change the alert type; simply create a new alert for this if you need to.
- Make the necessary adjustments you need and then be sure to click Save on the Finalize page.
- Deleting alerts is easy but you may want to consider just making the alert inactive first.
- To make an alert inactive, simply search for the one you wish to change on the Alerts table and toggle the Active column button so that it shows grey. This will disable the alert and allow you to turn it back on in just one click.
- If you do wish to completely delete an alert, click the three dots in the Actions column and select Delete Alert.
- Safety Events are instances when the tracking device has registered a significant change in the vehicles speed or direction.
- An excessive acceleration occurs when a significant increase in speed is registered.
- On most devices this is when the speed increaeses by atleast 11mph/s.
- A braking occurs when a significant decrease in speed is registered.
- On most devices this is when the speed decreases by at least 11mph/s.
- A cornering event is when vehicle changes direction while at speed.
- On most devices this event is registered when the vehicle takes a corner with a force equivalent or exceeding 11 mph/s.
- This type of directional change can only be registered on certain tracker model types.
- On most devices this event is registered when the vehicle takes a corner with a force equivalent or exceeding 11 mph/s.
- After hours alerts are a way to be notified when vehicles are being used outside of work hours.
- You can configure this alert so that it is triggered by an ignition on or by a moving event.
- To be alerted when the vehicle is turned on, select "Ignition On"
- To be alerted only once the vehicle is moving, select "Moving"
- Important: an After Hours alert set to moving will continue to fire while the vehicle remains in motion. The frequency of these alerts can be controlled in the Options section ('After alerting, disable this alert for...')
- When setting up this alert, specify the work hours that you would expect the vehicle to be in use. The alert will then fire when the specified event occurs outside of these times.
- If there are different time frames for different days you can add this too. For example, work hours on weekdays might be 7:30am to 530pm but on weekends it is 8am to 1pm. See below for how you would set this up.
- The Options section allows you to specify how frequently the alert can fire. By default, this alert is disabled for 5 minutes. This means if two ignition ons were registered outside of work hours but only 5 minutes apart, the recipient would only receive 1 message. Alternatively, if the alert is set to "Moving" and the vehicle drives for 20 minutes outside of work hours, approximately 4 alerts would be received at 5 minute intervals.
- Maintenance alerts can be setup as a way to notify recipients that a maintenance interval is either due or upcoming. This alert relies on the information entered on a vehicle's Maintenance page under Admin -> Vehicles
- To learn more about setting up vehicle maintenance schedules check out this article
- The intervals that are used to set when an alert fires are:
- Mileage
- Engine Hours
- Date
- The Options section allows you to specify how frequently the alert can fire. By default, this alert is disabled for 1 week. This means if the alert fires and the last maintenance mileage/engine hours or date is not updated then it will alert you again a week later.
- Custom alerts are a way to include additional parameters to control whether or not a message is sent out to the recipient.
- Prior to release Version 3.3.0 all alerts were considered custom and could only be created in the classic platform. Any alerts created in the classic platform are Alert Type Custom.
- As a result, you may see a number of alerts in your account marked as Custom.
- Many of these can likely be recreated as a Templated Alert for easier self management.
- Integrations with other services such as ServiceTitan and Fleetio also make use of Custom Alerts.
- If you need assistnace with any Custom Alerts please reach out to support.