Map Guide
Watch a quick 5-minute tutorial to learn some of the ins and outs, or expand each of the sections individually below:
Home Link : Click this icon to go back to the home Map page default view.
Global Search : Click this icon for a global search of trackers, groups, geozones and drivers.
Map : Navigates back to the map if you are in another page
Reports : All reports can be found in this section. See Guide
Alerts : Navigates to the alerts page to set up email or text message notifications about your fleet.
Dashcam Media : Navigates to the Dashcam Media page to view or request footage.
Admin : All administration pages for the account to edit vehicles, create groups, add users, etc.
User Profile : In the bottom left hand corner is your user profile, click this for options such as changing your password and logging out.
Tabs: Easily switch between the vehicles and geozones lists using the tabs at the top.
Group Dropdown : Select a group of vehicles to view (this icon will change to blue when a group is selected).
Search : Find the Vehicle or driver you're looking for
Compact Mode : Shows more vehicles in the list
Status Filter : Filter the vehicle list down to just the event types you'd like to see
- You can limit the view of the vehicles on the map with the Status filter button. For example if you have vehicles Suspended for the season and don't wish to show them on the map, simply uncheck the Suspended box.
- When a filter is in place, you will see the filter box at the top of your list:
- For more information on these Events, see our Event Status Summary Guide.
The vehicle list displays information about the last known status of the vehicle. These are events received from the tracking device. The address that the event occurred at is displayed along with other information depending on the status.
- A moving event for example will show the address and speed of the vehicle.
- Statuses such as ignition off and idling will also display a duration. If a status has occurred within a geozone then that zone name will be displayed as a clickable link instead of the adress.
Vehicle Pinning : If you would like to keep an eye on a particular vehicle, vehicles, group, or geozone you can pin them so they stay at the top of your List. Mouse over an item on the list, and click the Pin icon in bottom-right corner
Clicking a vehicle in the vehicle list or on the map will open up the vehicle panel which includes a number of different sections with information as well as actions that can be taken. Sections can be collapsed or expanded as you prefer.
Selected Vehicle: At the top of the panel you have the vehicle name, driver name (if assigned) and vehicle description, all of this information can be edited in the vehicle admin page. You can also switch which vehicle you're selected on by clicking the .
Most Recent Event: The most recent event for the time range viewed will be displayed here, along with the Address or Geozone, GPS coordinates, and a Satellite accuracy indicator.
Actions: Useful quick links like History, ClearShare, Text Location and Follow.
- Follow: The map will now follow the selected vehicle as it updates on the map in real time.
- Directions: Opens a new page to provide directions to the most recent event location.
- Zoom Into: Focuses the map on the most recent event location.
- History: Use this to view historical tracking data for a specific time range
- Show Today's Trial: Quickly toggle on/off whether you would like today's trail to be shown for the vehicles (this button will be grey if there is no tracking data from today)
- Create Geozone: Clicking this button will change your cursor to be an icon like this
. You can now click a location on the map to start creating a geozone. Learn more about Geozones.
- New ClearShare: This creates a web link to share an assets real time location with people that don't have access to your web portal. Learn more about ClearShare.
- Text Location: Text the location of the vehicles most recent event to a phone number. Note, this is a static location, for real time sharing see ClearShare (above). Learn more about Text Location.
Vehicle Note: Keep notes on your vehicles here. Also accessible in the Vehicle Admin Page
Street View: The most recent event's street view
Vehicle Attributes: Easily see what information you have entered in the Vehicle Admin for your vehicle, Model, Plate, Odometer, CP#, and Equipment.
Haven't input this information yet? Use the handy link to go directly to where you can update this info
Switch Vehicles: View the previous/next vehicle in your group. Hint: Left/Right arrow keys also work
There are three main ways to view tracking data on the map:
- Most Recent Activity / Show Today's Trail
- Time Range
- Point in Time
Tip: From all of these modes you can switch between vehicles while viewing the same historicla period by using the left/right arrows at the bottom of the Vehicle Panel or by changing the selected asset at the top of the Vehicle Panel.
Most Recent Activity / Show Today's Trail : By selecting a tracker on the vehicle list you will then be foused on that vehicle's most recent event and the Vehicle Panel will be expanded. From here, you can select "Show Today's Trail" to quickly view any tracking data that has occurred today. Alternatively, if you first select "History" and go to "Most Recent Activity" then you will be shown the last recorded GPS event updates for that unit.
Time Range : By selecting a tracker on the vehicle list you will then select 'History' in the 'Actions' section of the Vehicle Panel. At the top of the page a bar will appear where you can change the 'Map History' type to be "Time Range" if not already selected. To the right of this drop down you should see a calendar range (i.e. From and To). Select the Time Range of the data you wish to view and click Apply.
Point in Time : By selecting a tracker on the vehicle list you well then select 'History' in the 'Actions' section of the Vehicle Panel. At the top of the page a bar will appear where you can change the 'Map History' type to be "Point in Time" if not already selected. To the right of this drop down you should see a calendar that will allow you to select a specific "Point in Time" to see multiple vehicles stauts at the date time you have selected.
Selecting a Trackpoint Pin on the map will open its TrackPoint Card and display all of the information about that event:
You can click through events one at a time by clicking Previous or Next, or, using the Left and Right arrow keys on your keyboard.
Pro tip: If you're interested in dialing down on certain events, for example Idle or Stopped times, turn on those trackpoint pins in the Settings-Path menu, then view a vehicle's path and use the arrow keys to quickly skip from event to event.
While looking at tracking data on the map either with 'Today's Trail' selected or when in 'History Mode' an option becomes available called 'Show Details' at the bottom left hand corner of the map.
Clicking this button will bring up a table listing all of the tracking events for the selected asset. From here you can hover over the hyperlinks and the tracking pin will be emphasized on the map.
Additionally, you can click on the hyperlinks to take you directly to that pin on the map. The report can also be filtered to search for certain types, times or locations of events.
Geozones are a way of customizing your tracking data to work for you. Creating a geozone on a location allows you to custom name the address, setup alerts for arrivals and departures and also quickly pull up reports to review activity at the zone.
Geozones can be viewed and accessed via the map. To pull up the geozones, select the geozone tab in the top left. Here you'll see a searchable list of all of your geozones, clicking one will take you to that location on the map and pull up the Location Panel. You can also create a new geozone and toggle the geozones to show on the map.
There is also the ability to filter what geozones show on the map, to do this. Click the icon at the top of the list and select the color of zones you want to see.
By clicking on Geozones or Google 'places of interest' on the map you can pull up the 'Location Panel'. This provides information about the location such as Hours, Website, Phone Number. From here you can also complete Actions such as pulling up Directions, Texting the location, and Creating a Geozone.
Search Location : Search for an address or location.
Settings : Access the settings for the map and path displayed on the portal. More information.
Recenter to Group : Zooms to fit all of the vehicles for the selected group on the screen.
Recenter to Path : If a vehicle path is being displayed, this will zoom to fit the path on the screen. Handy to get back to the viewing the whole trip after dialing down on a certain stop.
History : Toggles history mode for viewing historical data of a specified date and time period.
Lock Map View : Locks the map view location. This setting is useful if you're trying to verify which or vehicle was at a location at a certain point in time.
Full Screen : Makes the map full screen and hides much of interface. Press escape to Exit.
Zoom In : Zooms into the location.
Zoom Out : Zooms out of the location.
Street View : Drag a drop the icon to see a streetview of the location.
Tilt Map: On satellite view, map is tilted by default (i.e. view is at an angle) toggling this setting will make it a bird's eye view. When tilt is enabled you can rotate the map also:
Rotate Clockwise: Rotates the map 90 degrees to the right (tilt must be enable).
Rotate Counter Clockwise: Rotates the map 90 degree to the left (tilt must be enabled).
Clicking on the Settings icon at the top of the map will bring up the Map and Path tabs. From here you can adjust what events you want to see on the map and
The Map tab has the following options:
- Different map types can be selected
- Live Traffic can be toggled on and off
- Clustering Toggle (grouping of vehicles on map)
- Zoom level at which clustering occurs
- The name displayed on the map can be set to either the Vehicle, or the Driver.
- The text size can be adjusted here
The Path Tab has options for what vehicle path information you would like displayed. For example, if you'd like to see only the Idle events for the day, you can select only those events to easily see just that path info. For more detailed information on the different event types see our Event Status Summary Guide
Clicking the icon in the bottom right hand corner brings up the Resource Center. Here you can easily search for easy-to-follow self-help articles for our most commonly asked questions. Or, you can open a live chat with our friendly Support Staff. The Resource Center can be found on any page within the web portal.