Connecting to your PacificTrack device
- Login to the app.
- Select the vehicle profile you want to connect to by clicking on the small truck icon.
- Click either the "Connect" button in the yellow bar or the icon with the 'x' in the white square box at the top (this icon flashes if you are not connected to the ELD device).
- Select "Manual Connection" if this is the first time connecting to the ELD device or if it is not connecting automatically.
- Select your "VBUS Device" - in most cases this will be the Pacific Track device and then click 'Next'
- The app may prompt you to turn on bluetooth. Bluetooth must be turned on for the ELD to work correctly.
- On the next page it will scan for the device you have plugged into the vehicle.
- For Pacific Track devices it will show a device ID that begins with "PT_30"
- Please note: If multiple devices are present, the 4 letters/numbers that show after the underscore (i.e. "46E0) correspond with end of the device's "MAC Address" which is printed on the device. To avoid serious issues ensure you are connecting to the correct vehicle's ELD device using the MAC address.
- Click on your vehicle's device and it will start the connection process.
- Once the tablet or smart phone has connected to the device it will check for any pending firmware updates for the device that is plugged into the vehicle.
- It is essential that you update the firmware of the Pacific Track device which should not take longer than 3-7 minutes.
- Once the firmware update is completed it will give you the prompt below, then press 'OK'.
- If you have successfully connected to the device that is plugged into the vehicle then the icon that looks like a cellular tower / radio signal should show in the blue bar at the top of the app.
- The app will now record the vehicle's activity, if you begin driving the vehicle it will put you in drive mode.
- Please note: the app continues to run in the background of your tablet or smartphone, even when you log out of the app you are likely still connected to the ELD device and drive time may be assigned to you.