Vehicle Inspections
People now have the ability to perform inspections on their fleet. Additionally, the mobile app has been updated to include an ‘Inspect’ button on each vehicle card in their fleet. Only those assigned as a driver to the vehicle OR have the new ‘Vehicle Inspector’ permission will see this button. Completed inspections will also appear on the vehicle card and in the web portal for people to view and reference. Inspection forms are customizable on the ‘Inspections’ page in the ‘forms’ tab. Users can create, duplicate and manage their forms. A default (editable) Inspection form will be provided in each account and applied to all vehicles with the following inspection items:
- Tires
- Tire tread
- Batteries
- Steering and suspension
- Lights
- Windshield wipers
- Fluid levels
- Brakes
- Exterior
- Engine
- Belts
- Hoses
- Exhaust System
- Navigate to Inspections
- Select the ‘Forms’ tab and the select Create New Form in the top right-hand corner
- Enter a name for the Inspection
- Select whether the inspection applies to a specific vehicle/vehicle or all vehicles.
- Select whether updating odometer and engine hours is required
- Select whether or not pass/fail is required, notes are required, and photos are required for all items on the form.
- Begin entering items for your inspection forms along with instructions for each.
Ie. Item: Brake Pads Notes: Ensure brake pad thickness is within spec - Use the require field on each item to require different things (i.e.. Pass/Fail, notes, photos)
- Click Save once you have added the necessary items to finalize the inspection form
To edit an inspection form that you have created, either click on the name of the inspection form or click the three dots on the right-hand side in the form's row and select Edit Form option.
If you click the three dots on the right-hand side in the form’s row, there is also an option to delete the form as well as duplicate it.
Performed Inspections
People that are assigned as a driver to a vehicle or have the ‘vehicle inspector’ permission enabled will use the form(s) you created to perform inspections. Those completed inspections will populate in as they are being completed as well as after they are completed in the Performed tab of the Inspections module. See our article Performing Inspections for information on how to perform inspections on our mobile app.
Clicking on the start date/time of the inspection performed will show the details of the inspection.
You will see three sections: Summary, Actions and Inspected Items
The summary section will include:
- Overall result of the inspection (Pass or Fail)
- Vehicle
- Inspection Form Name
- Elapsed Time
- Inspector
- Location
- Odometer at time of inspection
- Engine hours at time of inspection
- Any overall notes/photos
The actions section will include the ability to print, download or email the performed inspection
The inspected items section will show each inspected item from the inspection form along with:
- Result(pass or fail)
- Notes
- Photos
From the inspected items, you can also click the wrench icon to create a maintenance task directly from the inspection form (i.e. Inspection form notes that tires are worn down and should be replaced soon, you can create a task to replace the tires in 500 miles, for example).