Switching to the new Maintenance
Version 3.7.0 brings an entirely new maintenance module to the web platform. This release brings a host of new functionality for keeping fleets properly maintained and running smoothly. Some of the new functionality and features of this release are listed below:
- Individual Task Creation per Vehicle
- Average Daily Usage Calculations
- Custom "Due Soon" Threshold
- Highly Customizable Task Alerting
- Historical Maintenance Record Keeping
- Grouped Historical Records for Repeat Tasks
- Audit Logs for Task Creation/Edits/Completion
For previous users of maintenance in the ClearPathGPS portal then this guide will help you in migrating over to the new module. You can check out our general Maintenance Guide article to learn more about all of the features and functionality of this release. The following will focus specifically on the conversion of existing Legacy Tasks that have been brought over from the old maintenance module.
Maintenance tracking was previously limited to just 4 basic intervals:
- Schedule by Mileage Maintenance #1
- Schedule by Mileage Maintenance #2
- Schdule by Engine Hours
- Schedule by Date
If you had any of the above intervals setup then you are likely to see a list of Tasks already created for you under Maintenance. These are Legacy Tasks which were created automatically based on the information entered under the Last Performed At and Due Every fields.
The most important part in making this switch involves converting Legacy Tasks to new Maintenance Tasks so you can make use of the Service Type categorization.
For example, if you had Mileage based Maintenance #1 entered for "Service Truck 101" that stated the service was last completed at 62,500 miles and that it should be completed every 5,000 miles this will have been converted into a Legacy Task called "Service Truck 101 Maintenance 1 Legacy Task". This show on the new Maintenance table with a 'Due In' that matches the number of miles remaining based on the Last Formed At and a Frequency of 'Repeat 5,000 miles'; if you edit the task you'll be able to see the exact "Last Performed" that was pulled over from the old system.
From here, we advise that you use the 'Convert to New Task' option so that the Service Type can be edited to one of our new Service Type option. Note: this is a one time conversion and Service Types cannot be edited once saved so it's important you pick an option that is most relevant to the task (most Legacy Tasks for customers were typically to track things like Oil Change, Tire Rotation or General Service).
Once you've selected the new Service Type, you can make any adjustments necessary to the Task Name and Due Every fields (in many cases you won't need to adjust the mileage or engine hours intervals as the these have been pulled over from the old maintenance). Pro Tip: if you are converting a Legacy Task and you update the Last Performed because the vehicle has recently undergone a service this will create a Completed task service record.